One App for all your store needs

tejar streamlines the food and beverage supply process for businesses with AI technology. Manage suppliers, receive quotes and offers, and access real-time analytics for better purchasing decisions. Use tejar to reduce costs, increase sales, and understand purchasing trends. Join for free today with one click.

What's More? We Can Help You Succeed.

Request online Quotation and Bidding:

tejar makes it easy to request online quotations and bidding from suppliers. You can compare prices and choose the best option for your business.

Order your Supplies from One App:

tejar is a one-stop shop for all your food and beverage supplies. You can order from a variety of suppliers, all in one place.

Track and schedule your order:

tejar allows you to track and schedule your orders. This will help you ensure that you have the supplies you need on hand when you need them.

tejar Makes Ordering and Receiving Orders More Efficient:

tejar's intuitive interface makes it easy to place orders and track their status. You can also receive notifications when your orders are delivered.

Make smarter purchasing decisions with our Advanced AI model and insights

tejar's advanced AI model can help you make smarter purchasing decisions. The model analyzes your purchasing data to identify opportunities to save money and improve your bottom line.

Real time chat with the suppliers:

tejar allows you to chat with suppliers in real time. This is a great way to ask questions, get clarification, and resolve any issues.

All in One, All Your Suppliers in One App:

tejar makes it easy to manage all of your suppliers in one place. You can view their contact information, track your orders, and review their performance

Save Time & Money:

tejar can help you save time and money on your food and beverage supplies. You can easily compare prices, request quotes, and track orders.

Seamless Supply Ordering Platform:

tejar is a seamless supply ordering platform that makes it easy to place and track orders. You can also view your order history and review your past orders.

Goodbye papers, hello Tejar:

tejar is a paperless platform that makes it easy to manage your food and beverage supplies. You can place orders, track shipments, and view invoices all online.

Advanced AI Model to Reduce Your Cost of Supplies

tejar's advanced AI model analyzes your purchasing data to identify opportunities to save money. You can also use the model to compare prices from different suppliers.

Sell more with tejar

tejar can help you sell more by providing you with the tools you need to manage your inventory, track your sales, and analyze your data.

Buy by Credit from your suppliers

tejar allows you to buy by credit from your suppliers. This can help you improve your cash flow and manage your expenses.

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